Unfortunately ...it comes a moment when we just can't stand each other ... all being almost anormal episode of the scenario ... even if all used to be an amazing love
story. by the well known romanian author Adrian Dum

Thatis maybe one of the weirdest things which i can't understand at a love story.

Ieven find it ... ridiculous.

Butthe question is how the hell people say "I love you!" one to the
other and then come into this point of having such a hate in their souls that
they can't stand each other anymore.

Howcan we understand such a ... nonsense?!

I... personally ... know that the human being is and acts illogical.

And... in love stories is worst.

We... somehow become more ... illogical.

So... why this contradictory attitude?!

Howcan we have this emotional dance from love to hate ... and then from hate to

Well... more i meditate ... more i understand that this is

actuallyrelated to the fact that we actually can't stay anymore into the energy of that

Andthis dynamic love-hate ... hate-love ... love-hate ... hate-love ... which
becomes ... in fact ... a non ending inner battle ... is actually ruining all.

Wecan't have anymore the ability of enjoying the story itself.

So... we allow the passing of time ... to simple destroy all.

...incapable of doing anything.

Weare happy together ... then unhappy ... then happy again ... then unhappy ...
and the emotional balance simple continues on and on and on.

Wecan't stop it.

Wetotally dislike ... all.


Actually... one day we realise we can't continue anymore.

Yes.... we simple can't stay anymore into that energy of that relationship.

Wecan't stand it ... all looking like we can't stay anymore close to that person
which we repeated so, so many times into the past ... that we loved ... a lot.

Wefeel ... we ruin our souls.

...in continuous form.

So... incapable of stopping all what is going on ... we end up experiencing the
destroy of each other.

Dayby day ... everyday.

Untilone day ... when suddenly we realise so, so clear ... that all were actually
signals ... which we totally ignored.

Signals... whispering us that the karmic contract finished ...

andwe don't need to bother anymore to do anything else.

Theonly thing left to do is to accept that this moment of saying "Good
bye!" to each other ... had come.

And... we have to do it ... and allow life to continue ...


Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychologicalgames - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist AdrianDumitru for FREE. 

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