The humans haveneeds

... but also lotsof desires.

If our partnerstake care

only of our needs... it's nice

... but neverenough.

Sooner or later... we'll chase somewhere else for support

related to ourdesires ... bythe well known romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Truth be told... it is really complicated on long term to satisfy our partners.

In fact ... i believe it is almost impossible.

But ... the real problem is that we can't disconnect from that person ... break up ... and totally forget the story.

I mean .... ignore what the partner wants .... being ignored with what we want ... but still continue being into the relationship ... in nice conditions.

No ...

Realistically ... it is not possible ...

Somehow ... we need to find a way together ... in how we can satisfy all our needs and desires.



Or ... at least ... try it.

Otherwise ... we'll unconsciously start to be annoyed ... frustrated ... and unhappy.

We might need ... love, tenderness, money, expensive gifts ... etc etc.

And we might ask for that ... on and on .... and on ...

But ... somehow ... into one point ... nothing happens anymore.

We ask .... but the partner is not listening anymore.

We can't believe it ... but ...

And ... you see ... cause life disappointed us many times ... we become silent ... accepting all as it is.

We don't say ... a word ... anymore ... but still having those needs and desires ... whatever that means ... it all becomes obvious that we'll continue looking for another solution.

Unfortunately .... many times that means .... someone else ... capable of giving us ... what we need or want.

So ... we just ruin ... all.

That is actually the point when it becomes obvious that relationships are based on ... needs.

And ... we need to synchronise those needs ... in continuous form.

Accept all ... as normality.

... also the desires.


Otherwise ....

Yes ... otherwise ... someone else will take care of that ... and we'll be taken out of the story.

With ... or without our approval.


Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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